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DSR(Direct Seeded Rice) from KS Agriculture Industries Pvt. Ltd. is used for planting seeds of Rice direct in the fields without any preparation or wet field and it also maintains plant-to-plant spacing in a row. saves a lot of time and men power. Rice can be directly seeded either through dry or wet (peregrinated) seeding. Dry seeding of rice can be done by drilling the seed into a fine seedbed at a depth of 2-3 centimeters. Wet seeding requires leveled fields to be harrowed and then flooded (Puddling). The field is left for 12-24 hours after Puddling, then germinated seeds (48-72 hours) are sown using a drum seeder. Seed can be broadcast for either dry or wet seeding,
DSR is used for plowing the fields during summer to control emerging weeds Leveling the fields well facilitates uniform irrigation and better germination. The optimum depth of seed:2-3 cm. The seed should be covered by soil for proper germination and to avoid bird damage. In lowlands and finer textured soils, planking may not be necessary after seeding. The soil moisture content at seeding should be sufficient for proper germination Surface mulch: helps retain soil moisture longer to improve emergence and reduce weed menace. The Seed rate:20 to 25 kg/ha, in general, and the fine-grain and Basmati cultivars require much less seed early to medium short-duration cultivars having early vigor. The durable machine and its outstanding performance are what you need for your convenience in the crop field. We are a pioneer in the manufacturing of excellent quality Seeding machines at an affordable price with these specifications :